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  • Grant for Home Food Businesses

    San Diego Food Justice Project

    We are very excited to spread the word about this to the community members.

    San Diego Food Justice Project has received $1 million dollars in grant money from the State of California. The team their is planning to use the grant money to support 100 small business applicants who are marginalized business owners regardless of their immigration status.

    The San Diego Food Justice Project team has been supporting small food business entrepreneurs and has been advocating for supporting small food businesses, home kitchen based food businesses and sidewalk food vendors.

    Please check out their site for more details here

    posted in Funding
  • Welcome to Home Food Community!

    Welcome to Home Food Community!

    The purpose for creating this community forum is to facilitate sharing ideas, helping each other and in general realizing power of collective actions. This forum is for all types of Home Food Entrepreneurs - MEHKO (MicroEnterprise Home Kitchen Operations), CFO (Cottage Food Operations) and home chefs running food business by renting commercial kitchen facilities since the problems and opportunities for all these variants have large overlap of challenges and processes.

    General Principles

    • Be Civil, Helpful, Sharing, Non-spammy.
    • As such the forum is not moderated but abusive, profane and clearly unrelated posts will be removed.
    • Let's succeed by helping one another!
    posted in General
  • Technical Support for this Site

    For any of the issues below, please post here for help.

    1. Site not working properly.
      Note: If you do not remember your password, please do not post request to fix her, instead use the Forgotten Password link on the login page.
    2. Request for adding new categories.
    3. Suggestions for new features.
    4. If you are unable to login and post, you can send a support request to
    posted in General
  • A Brief User Guide

    Tips for getting most out of the community

    1. Posting: The forum supports Markdown format. If you do not know what that is, you can just post in plain text. If you would like to use Markdown, here is a cheat sheet for it.

    2. Pictures: You can drag and prop pictures to include in your posts.

    3. Video: You can use links to YouTube or Vimeo videos and the forum will show them as embedded video ready to play right from inside the post. You cannot upload a video file in a post, you have to use YouTube or Vimeo links.

    4. Categories: We have defined a few categories that we think community would want. These categories are basically big buckets, each for one significant aspect of the home food business and the people involved with it.

    5. Missing category: If you think that there is a missing category that absolutely must exist, please post a request in "Technical Support for this Site" topic.

    6. Tags: To allow for finer grain structure of community interactions, we have defined a whole bunch of tags. There are tags for CA counties - one each actually. This allows, for example, a post in "MEHKO Permit Process" category with two tags "Alameda-County-CA" to narrow the scope of the post to "MEHKO permit process in Alameda county in California".

    posted in General